in:habit - Movement 1
in:habit - Movement 2

in:habit - Movement 1

Me. Wellington Animal Rights March, November 28th 2020. Photo by Sambit Bhaduri.
Bachelor of Commercial Music (Honours)
Speciesism - the idea that being human is a good enough reason for human animals to have greater moral rights than non-human animals.
in:habit is an audio visual work that reflects on the relationships between humans and non-human animals, and the environments in which all beings co-exist. Primarily a sound work, in:habit is constructed with found sounds and video content I’ve curated, travelling through four movements. Combining my two passions of audio manipulation/production, and animal rights, in:habit serves to challenge the definition of protest.
in:habit is an audio visual work that reflects on the relationships between humans and non-human animals, and the environments in which all beings co-exist. Primarily a sound work, in:habit is constructed with found sounds and video content I’ve curated, travelling through four movements. Combining my two passions of audio manipulation/production, and animal rights, in:habit serves to challenge the definition of protest.