11pm Onwards game trailer.
HDR skyboxes I made based on Caleb Schwabauer's concept art. Each one takes place in a different level and is intended to demonstrate the character's deteriorating mind.

In-game shot showing some of my sprites.

Bachelor of Creative Media Production
After many months of hard word, 11pm Onwards has become the moody, thought-provoking game I imagined when I first heard of this project. It’s given me a great opportunity to produce using an Agile framework plus build my sound design, 2D art/animation and game design abilities.
11pm Onwards is a 2.5D psychological thriller puzzle game. It is centered around gas station worker, Rima, who is finishing his shift at a desolate gas station. Players are encouraged to explore the levels to solve puzzles and find clues that help them in the next levels. In doing so, they uncover a narrative that prompts them to think deeply about the themes of the game.
11pm Onwards is a 2.5D psychological thriller puzzle game. It is centered around gas station worker, Rima, who is finishing his shift at a desolate gas station. Players are encouraged to explore the levels to solve puzzles and find clues that help them in the next levels. In doing so, they uncover a narrative that prompts them to think deeply about the themes of the game.