Kahlyla Machacon

11pm Onwards

HomeCreative Media ProductionKahlyla Machacon

11pm Onwards Preview
11pm Onwards Main Level

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

My vision for 11pm Onwards was to create a playable experience in a situation where players are stuck in a loop - something that has already been seen in many films/shows. The gameplay, along with the story keeps the player thinking and paying attention to details in the game in order to progress. Thus, 11pm Onwards is an interactive exploration for players to encounter a different interpretation of the afterlife.

11pm Onwards is a 2.5D psychological thriller puzzle game. It is centered around gas station worker, Rima, who is finishing his shift at a desolate gas station. Players are encouraged to explore the levels to solve puzzles and find clues that help them in the next levels. In doing so, they uncover a narrative that prompts them to think deeply about the themes of the game.

