Philly Kingsford-Brown


Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa & Te Ati Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi

HomeCreative Media ProductionPhilly Kingsford-Brown

Bachelor of Creative Media Production

Tēnā tātou he uri tēnei nō Te Ati Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi, nō Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa e mihi atu nei! Producing Fau has been an experience that has taught me so many new skills and connected me with some great people. Indigenous stories come from the heart- and Fau is no exception.

Fau is a 35-45 minute live stream pilot talk show episode with an aim to discuss, empower and inform the Pasifika community about topics relevant in today’s time and age. In Samoan, Fau can mean to create and build and that’s what our aim for the show is, to build and create a platform for young Pasifika adults to discuss, inform, empower, debate, show real action and find real solutions for issues and problems facing our Pasifika community.


Other team members

Block 1 Level D