M < 3 B' 2021. Enamel spray paint and PVA glue on canvas.

Don't take me with you, I'm happy where I am' 2021. Galvanised chain, chromed chain, PLA plastic and steel.

Kewtie' 2021. Enamel spray paint, PVA glue and acrylic on canvas.
Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours
I have a hyper-awareness of my environment, transforming navigation of space into heavily referenced artworks. I steer the viewer by using abstracted depictions of objects I’ve experienced. The processes I use imagine the past of the discarded objects I encounter, I aim to stir feelings of nostalgia, encouraging the projection of personal narrative. I’m currently investigating consumerism, infrastructure, and the inherent influence capitalism has on both our perception and interaction with(in) the mediascape.