Master of Design
Lolomabox Project, inspired from the Fijian term 'loloma' meaning 'gift of love', is an initiative to help add to interactive learning tools for preschoolers, primarily those that face a dearth of explorative learning and creative pedagogy. It is about creating engaging study aids through a human centred design approach that help children establish connections with their environment through interactive play-based learning. The design output is an interactive kit inspired by the elementary shapes to help instigate storytelling by children. It starts off by encouraging children to identify shape combinations in their environment with the help of illustrated prompts and tools. The kit further leads to children telling a story themselves by organising the interactive jigsaw puzzles to represent what they perceive with infinite possibilities of exploration. The production of the kit uses minimal physical and linguistic elements in order to lend a universal approach. The vision is to see children observe what is around them with curiosity and be able to form their thoughts into tangible expressions with play-based learning tools that are open-ended and non-conforming.