Joshua Ambler

He Keteparaha mō te Mau Whenua


HomeSpatialJoshua Ambler

"He Keteparaha" is imbued with Te Ao Māori inspired from pūrākau and cosmology.
Spatial mapping of passive resistance strategies. Repurposing construction tools for protest.

Bachelor of Design with Honours

“He Keteparaha” is a koha to Māori contesting the continued
colonisation of their whenua. Historically, violent acts of
land dispossession have fragmented Māori communities and
are linked to negative Māori statistics. This project serves
to tautoko the power of mana whenua to challenge this and
exercise tino rangatiratanga. The spatial tools offer physical,
mental and spiritual protection for communities of protestors
occupying their whenua as an act of passive resistance.
Block 12 Level D