The divide between the grim reality of the year 2100, and a salt comprised historical reenactment of life within the supermarket in the year 2020. A remark on climate change, consumerism, and the historical importance of ruins.

Alcohol section New World Chaffers; in ruins.

Chaffers New World in the year 2100.

Cleanup on all aisles.
Bachelor of Design with Honours
This project, situated at Chaffers New World, proposes a ruin as memorial in a speculative future, taking place in 2100. In this hypothesized future, Wellington is decimated by natural disasters. The site portrays a faux historical salt installation, mimicking supermarket activity inside the ruin. This multimedia responds to the permanence of inaction, consequences of consumerism, and derealization of exploitations within the current day. This spatial and video based proposition illustrates the archaeological/anthropological significance of corrosion and ruin.