Learn in an environment that is self driven, collaborative, and works for you

Each module is based on a tikanga of your preference

Within each module are four key kupu (words) with activities for each that enable simple pronunciation and drive mātauranga (knowledge) learning.

A desktop app gives you a space to log activities, view progress, have audio guidance with pronunciation and more.
Bachelor of Design with Honours
‘Reo’ is a four-week tikanga oriented Te Reo Māori learning course that is completely self-driven. It is a tool to get you over the hurdle of being whakamā when first starting your Te Ao Māori journey. Reo’s kaupapa aims to teach a Māori world view by the embodiment of kupu (word) Māori. Whether you’re wanting to speak more Te Reo with friends, or wanting to embed more tikanga into your company's infrastructure, this tool is the gateway to seeing the world from a Māori perspective.