The melodramatic, faux-serious human defence response juxtaposes the quirky alien attitudes, a satire on the over-professional life of CBD workers.

Superimposing fictional stories onto reality, these ubiquitous illustrations are accompanied by comedic narratives.

The app is a gamified experience, facilitating users to “unlock” missions, follow trails and connect competitively with friends.
Bachelor of Design with Honours
Aliens! They're here and they've stolen Wellington's treasure: the bucket fountain buckets. Fortunately, their presence has left trails: your mission is to follow these and retrieve the artefacts...
‘ALIENS!’ is a humorous spatial intervention interrupting the daily routines of Wellington CBD workers. Aiming to increase mental wellbeing while avoiding unhelpful self-help connotations, ‘ALIENS!’ encourages adults to pursue new experiences during lunch breaks and enrich their workdays through fostering healthy mindsets.
‘ALIENS!’ is a humorous spatial intervention interrupting the daily routines of Wellington CBD workers. Aiming to increase mental wellbeing while avoiding unhelpful self-help connotations, ‘ALIENS!’ encourages adults to pursue new experiences during lunch breaks and enrich their workdays through fostering healthy mindsets.