Zaria Kathryn


Ngāti Tūwharetoa

HomeVisual CommunicationZaria Kathryn

Upoko Whā, Ko Taupō nui a tia Te roto
Te Heuheu whanau, Te Heuheu Tūkino, II, Mananui

Bachelor of Design with Honours

‘Whanaungatanga: The Discovery of my Whakapapa’, was born from a yearning to know my Whakapapa in a deeper sense. Initially what drove this project were feelings of whakamā deep within me. ‘Whanaungatanga’ presents all my findings on this journey in a stylised modern approach. In its essence, ‘Whanaungatanga’ is a taonga for those who have come before me, the people around me right now and for the people who may come after me, enforcing the concept of whanaungatanga (close connection and kinship) which relates to a deeper sense of belonging.
Block 12 Level E