Director of Photography (DOP) Antonio Lim on the set of Smoke and Mirrors - Photographed by Bronte Ennis

Director of Photography (DOP) Antonio Lim shooting on set at Pour & Twist, Wellington, NZ - Photographed by Bronte Ennis

Still image from Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors Poster
Bachelor of Creative Media Production
As the Director of Photography (DOP) on Smoke and Mirrors, I was fortunate to have creative freedom over the style/look of the TV pilot. Here I looked into cinematic codes/conventions such as; composition & framing, lighting, and camera equipment. I was involved in every stage of production - from ideation right through to post.
Smoke and Mirrors is a contemporary mystery pilot episode that follows four college students; a brother, a secret lover, a friend, and a class acquaintance. Unfamiliar with one another, each individual is unexpectedly sent mysterious notes regarding the disappearance of their fellow peer, Mia Baxter. They are suddenly thrown together to uncover the secrets, betrayals and lies that have caused Mia to disappear on the night of her 21st birthday.
Smoke and Mirrors is a contemporary mystery pilot episode that follows four college students; a brother, a secret lover, a friend, and a class acquaintance. Unfamiliar with one another, each individual is unexpectedly sent mysterious notes regarding the disappearance of their fellow peer, Mia Baxter. They are suddenly thrown together to uncover the secrets, betrayals and lies that have caused Mia to disappear on the night of her 21st birthday.