Smoke and Mirrors

Bachelor of Creative Media Production
My role in Smoke and Mirrors is 1st assistant camera, mainly doing focus pulling and keeping the entire film in focus aside from that I help with the team to set other things up when they need help because there is a lot more time on set spent waiting to roll versus actually rolling. One of the most important habits I learned was remaining aware on set no matter what is going on around you especially when the DP is talking to the director about a shot, I try to keep my ears open and anticipate if they're talking about a lens change, taking the camera from sticks to dolly, or if something might be dangerous in frame if we're looking a certain way.
Smoke and Mirrors is a contemporary mystery pilot episode that follows four college students; a brother, a secret lover, a friend, and a class acquaintance. Unfamiliar with one another, each individual is unexpectedly sent mysterious notes regarding the disappearance of their fellow peer, Mia Baxter. They are suddenly thrown together to uncover the secrets, betrayals and lies that have caused Mia to disappear on the night of her 21st birthday.
Smoke and Mirrors is a contemporary mystery pilot episode that follows four college students; a brother, a secret lover, a friend, and a class acquaintance. Unfamiliar with one another, each individual is unexpectedly sent mysterious notes regarding the disappearance of their fellow peer, Mia Baxter. They are suddenly thrown together to uncover the secrets, betrayals and lies that have caused Mia to disappear on the night of her 21st birthday.